asker: kam! https://kmkmkmkmkm.neocities.org/

"what if i turned my main into a mecha sonic askblog. just as a little joke. just for fun for like a week so i have an excuse to draw him a couple times in a noncommital low-stress environment"
i should have known i was cooked from the start.
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when i first answered this i was like maybe i shouldn't be too much of an asshole. and then i promptly ignored that because i love being an asshole and having mecha be an asshole. were this not filtered through robotic speech patterns of Formal Perceived Politeness:tm: it would just say "do you shower? cunt."
there's a lot of fun in characters like this with really specific speaking styles, in trying to figure how to translate basic statements into something they'd actually say. you'll see a lot of these.

thank you dr. robotnik's ring racers for making my rival character for mecha be knuckles far more often than it was sonic. you're so correct for that actually. sonic has metal for a focus, mecha deals with the mater emerald so you know what. yeah mecha IS knux' problem. let's make it mutual.

worlds clunker old man doesn't know what fun is, sleeps all the time.

sure whatever

i had a lot of fun drawing this one if u couldnt tell. this is also the #1 main thing i wanted to get to bring up. making him hate metal is the biggest executive decision i made about his character but i believe ive made my case well enough.
theyre the worst brothers EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR it's like 90% metal just existing and mecha giving himself 500000 problems about it. HATES his scrunt ass. its like this
he massively cools off post-mortem of course though.
and continuing with the more proper canon dynamic, if they DID meet again after everything, they... still wouldn't get along, though the tables would be flipped on who hates and who is indifferent to who.
for the record i do think metal would beat his ass. but he'd have to be smart about it. if metal rushes in in a blind rage he's getting his little head popped off but if he keeps a level head then it's a pretty easy fight. mecha's still fast and powerful but he's held together with dreams and duct tape and that's very bad for a tank-build character.

i think people tend to see mecha as like defiant or rebellious or whatever and like... that's certainly true for smbz mecha where he basically just mows down anyone who stands against him, and to an extent it's also backed up in scrapnik where he is most certainly a schemer, but at the same time in scrapnik i think there's a pretty clear case to be made that devotion is one of his top 3 core emotions--second only to pride and sitting just above anger. "we were supposed to conquer the world _together_" is such strong wording. like that was something he really believed in, and he kept that ideal--of himself and eggman's vision and his status within such--with him well after winding up on scrapnik. it takes a lot of pride to think you're hot enough shit to be worth it to someone you admire even after getting as as torn up as he did-but it also takes just as much devotion and faith in them as well.
i have a lot of thoughts about mecha sonic as a knight archetype, but suffice it to summarize that while he plainly doesn't give a shit about anyone he deems 'unworthy', for those who do manage to earn his respect, his bond is unshaken even by death. i like to think that he didn't Really start to change until after his vision of eggman was broken when he realized the good doctor wasn't coming back for him... but fortunately for him, he just as quickly found something else to dedicate himself to. ego death is a fascinating thing for a killer robot.
also hey i don't get to talk about him much on here but i fucking love sigma btw. you must understand this.

i wanted to dowload like internet explorer 4 for this one and record a gif off that but it was way too much effort to do anything like that for a simple askblog joke. instead i settled for using a text-only search. modern html gives him a headache ;'(

a minor followup to his words for metal....

why do i keep fucking getting asks about FOOD. what am i supposed to say to these!!!

i dont even know if m.knux can talk but we take liberties here. if he does probably not much to mecha.s! i figure if regular knux already doesn't like sonic's yapping the "allegedly "even more serious"" mecha knuckles will REALLY not like mecha sonic's extravagant monologues. also i just wanted someone to counter his melodramatic nature.

this was a fun one!!!! my specialty: pulling something nonsense out of left field and giving it just enough reasoning to make amusingly plausible. canon has no way of contradicting this so you can't say for sure it's wrong!!!! and i think it's fun for him to have to face someone he fucked over. mecha in general does not feel bad about any of the shit he did before, but this is a specific exception. not so fun to think about your own betrayal of an ally and stripping them of their purpose, now is it? florentine* doesn't really give a shit and has made as much clear to him, but it does still weigh on him a bit.
*yeah it's florentine. i didnt know most all the scrapniks had actual canon names when i made this, i'll update the image at some point probably.